Monday, August 24, 2009

Discussion Card for Creswell's Ch. 14

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Question: In grounded theory research, the researcher returns to data sources for further information more than once until the theory is fully developed. (p. 449) Since there is no timeline to complete the research, how could you insure your sources would still be available until the theory is fully developed?

    Quote: (p. 443) "The overall intent is to "ground" the categories in the data." I like the visual image this quote suggests.

    Fact: I like the idea of systematic grounded theory procedures offering a "macropicture" of a situation.(p.448) As a researcher, it would be interesting to see the data guiding the research and narrowing the focus of the study as the research "gains a life of its own" and a theory develops.


  2. Question: (Pg 432) I thought a theory would surely develop while reviewing literature…grounded theory is used while looking at data…does a researcher always end up using grounded theory?

    Quote: (Pg 432) “A grounded theory is used when a researcher needs a broad theory or explanation of a process. Grounded theory generates a theory when existing theories do not address your problem.”

    Interesting fact: There are also steps in conducting grounded theory research…don’t get me wrong I am happy for the guidance, but the steps never seem to end!!!!!!!!

  3. Fact: Characteristics of grounded theory design: process approach, theoretical sampling, constant comparative data analysis, a core category, theory generation and memos.

    Question: What in the world is figure 14.6 on page 443 explaining? I know the title is "Constant Comparison Procedures in Grounded Theory." This is about all I know.

    Quote: (p. 448) "A grounded theory design is appropriate when you want to develop or modify a theory, explain a process, and develop a general abstraction of the interaction and action of people."

  4. LaDawndra
    Can grounded theory be used to authenticate an instructonal approach?

    "Grounded theory generates a theory when existing theories do not.....because it fits the situation ...existing theories may have little applicability to special populations." p396

    Glaser a known educational researcher, stresses the importance of letting a theory emerge from the data....not simply describing categories.

  5. Quote: 432 - "Grounded theory generates a theory when existing theories do not address you problem or participants you plan to study."
    "Theory is "grounded" in the data."
    "A theory discovered during data collection will "fit the situation being researched and will work when put into use" better than a theory identified before a study begins."

    Question: So would grounded theory design be- I have given a Math Benchmark assessment. Students performed poorly on solving multi-step problems dealing with fractions as well as converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. Then from those results I would develop a teaching plan (whole group, small group or individual) to raise performance on the two skills. As I taught I would assess student understanding and also conduct a second or final assessment to re-evaluate those two skills.

    Interesting Fact: 438 - A theory is grounded in the data and it is not forced into categories. A good grounded theory must meet 4 central criteria: fit, work, relevance and modifiability.
    441 - As grounded theorists conduct a study, they often use a phrase for the process starting with a gerund.

  6. LaDawndra - I was wondering the same thing. Would grounded research be a type to use within my Math Workshop, Math Benchmark assessments and to guide my instructional practices with students.

  7. LaDawndra - Your quote makes me believe grounded research is very prescriptive.

  8. Barbara - Your quote matches one of mine! Great minds visualize alike? "Grounded" really helped me to put a picture to the concept as I was reading. So helpful!

  9. Qote: as you consider conducting a grounded theroy study, you need to weigh how strongly you want to emphasize procedures, use predetermined categories in analysis, position yourself as a researcher, and decided how to end the study, whether it is with tenative questions of hypothesis that are specific. Page 439

    Question: because Constructivist Design consist of the values and views of the participants and researchers, is this design used more when conducting Grounded Theory? Page 439

    Interesting Fact: Characteristics that grounded theory researchers use in their designs are: process approach, theoretical sampling, constant comparative data analysis, a core category, theory genenration, and memos. Page 440

  10. Interesting Fact: Grounded theory has been compared to a "constructivist" method by some researchers because of the flexiblility of the techniques utilized in the method.

    Quote: "Despite these differences (between the three types), six aspects charcterize grounded theory. Grounded theorists analyze their data for increasing levels of abstraction by using constant comparative procedures and asking questions about their data."

    Question: Is one of the three types of grounded theory research more well thought of in the academic world? Is one more or less credible?

  11. LaDawndra,

    I like your points here! We discussed Glaser's more open approach versus the structured approach for grounded theory in the last class.

    Good work here,
    Dr. Hendrix

  12. Question: My question goes along with Christina's about the Constructivist Design consisting of the values and views of the participants and researchers. Isn't information gathered in this design extrememly subjective? And is that part of it's purpose since it's geared to specifics of the participants?

    Quote: "Grounded theory has a distinct language that some educators may view as jargon and, hence, in need of careful definition."

    Fact: Memo writing is a tool in grounded theory research that provides researchers with an ongoing dialogue with themselves about the emerging theory.

  13. Fact: pg 437, In selective coding the grounded theorist writes a theory from the interrelationship of the categories in the axial coding model. At a basic level, this theory provides an abstract explanation for the process being studied in the research. The abstract seems to hold a lot of the preliminary information for the audience

    Quotation: pg 438 "Glaser(1992) however, stresses the importance of letting a theory emerge from the data rather than using specific, preset categories..." As teachers sometimes, that is a scary thought kinda flying by the seat of your pants, rather than controlling it.

    Question: I thought data and research was supposed to be unobjective, but grounded theorists are allowed to write a bit of narrative. Using the correct words, wouldn't that make the research biased?
