Monday, August 24, 2009

Discussion Card for Creswell's Ch. 4

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Question: Is secondary source literature listed somewhere in primary source literature or vice versa?

    Quote: page 88 "With so much information available, searching and locating good literature on your topic can be challenging." So much information to sift through, can seem intimidating and does to me at this point. However I know that once I get rolling it won't be as intimidated.

    Fact: page 90 By knowing the steps of how to conduct a literature review researchers can recognize when the review is successfully completed. I am glad there is a check list! I live for lists that I can check off items as they are complete!

  2. Question: Is there a general number of sources acceptable for a literature review? Like, no less than five resources, etc.

    Quote: (p. 93) "For many beginning researchers, starting with summaries is a good idea because summaries give an overview of topics at an entry-level discussion."

    Fact: Regardless of the research approach you use in your own study, it is a good idea to include both qualitative and quantitative studies in your review.

  3. Corey Nickell

    Question: Which type of literature review does the Education Department at MWSU feel is acceptable? Thematic? Or Study-By-Study?

    Quote: Page 105 “Copyright laws permit the duplication of only one complete article without permission of the author.”

    Interesting fact: Trying to do research from a home computer might not be the best choice. To the library I go~

  4. Question: Literature review seems like an overwhelming task. How will you know when you have found the "right" literature, and how will you know how much literature you need to justify your research project?

    Quote: Pg 118 "As you evaluate a study (in the literature), consider whether the author has made a good case and that the study adds to existing knowledge."

    Fact: I liked the literature map idea. It provides a visual blueprint for organizing the literature.

  5. Barbara- I think I am going to need an actual blueprint for literature when it comes to the research project. I am thinking also that a literature map would help my 6th grade students to dive deeper into their own reading.

  6. Corey I am with you on the to the library I go. I have relied in the past so much on the online research. Now I am thinking that this is not the method I should have been using. So, I am wondering if I should begin to lead my student's away from this type of research.

  7. Mrs. Dalyrymph,

    If you find out the answer to your question about a recommended number of resources let me know! I would think the more the better. However, after a while they all start to say the same thing and repeat information overload begins!

  8. Barb, I agree about the literature maps making sense. I like to organize my information/thoughts into graphic organizers, so this I get! I also use them a lot with my students.

  9. I have to admit, Ann and Corey, the thought of researching at the library is a little daunting for me. I like my google. Guess its time to change.

  10. Question: p110 Is the Publication Manual of the American Pychological Association the style manual of choice at Missouri Western for educational research?

    Quote: p104 "Each form of research [qualitative and quantitative] has advantages and provides insight for our knowledge base in education.

    Fact: p 113 It is common to focus the literature review back 10 years while focusing more on the recent studies.

  11. Question: How literature pieces should be apart of the literature review? Is there a required amount?

    Interesting Fact: While reading on constructing a literature map I found that "Having a digram or visual picture of this conceptualization allows you to organize the literature in your mind, identify where your study fits into this literature and convince others of the importance of your study.

    Quote: "A systematic approach for summarizing each source of information is to develop an abstract for each one."

  12. Ann D,

    I am glad that you like that checklist for the literature review. You really need a strong review of the literature for your study. Use that as a guide to evaluate your own review before you turn it in or send your study off for a publication.

    Good work here,
    Dr. Hendrix

  13. Ann,

    A primary source is what you should look for. A secondary source is when an author cites another study or author. Then, you should go to the original citation. That is the primary source. Try to use the original source when possible.

    Keep Up The Good work,
    Dr. Hendrix

  14. Barb,

    I love the idea of the literature maps. I will weave that into your EDU 611 course in the spring. I think that will help you organize your literature reviews.

    Keep up the good work,
    Dr. Hendrix

  15. Having to find educational journals for other classes has put me on edge in not finding the right paper or the right choices. I would say it's making me most nervous. I LOVED Ch. 4 for this reason alone. I liked seeing all the different choices that could be used to help find literature on the topi c!! But like Corey, I am wondering which building will house all these choices. I am afraid I am going to have to roadtrip to the KC library!
    Also, I am wondering if they all have to be educational journals or abstracts. Or if you are writing about poverty, if you can use like a social worker's journal study on poverty?
    Fact: pg 105" Instead, write your own abstracts of articles and materials." So you dont't plagarize someone elses.

  16. Quote: In reference to writing a literature review," The writing requires pulling together all aspects of the review to this point." I find it helpful to quote the key meanings of the how to.

  17. Question: On pages 89-90 of the book it's mentioned that authors of qualitative studies don't discuss the literature extensively at the beginning so as to allow the views of the participants to emerge without being constrained by the views of others. I'm confused about this. I assume by 'participants' it is referring to the participants of the study, but how would their views be constrained by views of other authors on the topic?

    Quote: "Besides stating the major themes in a review, you also need to suggest reasons why the current literature is deficient and why educators need additional research on your topic." page 114

    Interesting Fact: The four criteria for determining which sources to use are: the relevance of the topic, the individuals or sites, the problem, and the accessibility of the information.

  18. Question:
    Why are so many subheadings levels necessary when writing a literature review? The book stated that five is the minimum. Why is that?

    As you write a literature review, several additional elements will need your attention, the extent of the review, the type of review, and the concluding statement of the review." p109

    Interesting Fact:
    I think the literature map is a great way to organize the literature becuase it makes it easy to visualize in a different way, especially for "us" visual learners. I have used Inspiration a computer sematic organizer in language arts. I am sure this could be used easily while organizing the literature just as well.
