Monday, August 24, 2009

Discussion Card for Creswell's Ch. 18

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Question: Participatory action research is designed to improve the quality of people's organizations, communities, and family lives. Teachers might use this type of research to reduce irrational, unproductive, unjust, or unsatisfying interactions within the school setting.(p. 603) My question is, wouldn't this type of research "ruffle a few feathers" with your building principal or school admininstrators? Exposing shortcomings is seldom welcomed.

    Quote: (p.603) "PAR (participatory action research) is emanicipatory in that it helps unshackle people from the constraints of irrational and unjust structures that limit self-development and self-determination."

    Fact: I like the "interacting spiral" design by Stringer (1999), the phases being to look, think, and act in an ongoing fashion when conducting paticipatory action research. The model of this design on page 604 provides an effective image. I think students could also benefit from seeing this design as a model of how learning occurs in the classroom as information is processed.

  2. Quote:
    "Action researchers collaborate with others, often involving co-particapnts in the research"
    p561 see Figure 18.6 (2nd edition)

    Collaboration can be a powerful tool in action research in my opinion...
    I recall participating with a community action research that resulted in initiating programs to help schools with students struggling in urban schools.
    I also remember engaging as a teacher on an active research project. It too resulted in reflective thinking and a more active role in solving issues in education instead of just complaining!

    Has an Action Research ever reached the White House and stirred a movement or changed LAWS?

    Interesting Fact:
    Online journals, websites, listservs (typically hosted by university computer systems) provide opportunities for action researchers to publish their studies.

  3. Quote: Action research provides an opportunity for educators to reflect on their own practices. In fact, the scope of action research provides a means for teachers or educators in the schools to improve their practices of taking action and to do so by participating in research. Page 597

    Intersting Fact: Action researchers typcailly report results of their studies not to scholarly journals in education. It basically provides collabortation among school and community participates to help transform schools and educational practices. Page 599

    Question: Creswell explains that action reserach designs may not have the rigor and systematic appraoch found in other designs. Because of this, action reserach design does not get attention from scholarly journals. How does a researcher design an action reserach design to become more rigorous and systematic to be recognized by scholarly journals? Will the researcher have to put information in a different design? I think that makes 599

  4. Corey

    Question: (Pg 609) During the dynamic process when do we stop “spiraling”…When there is no more reflecting or data to collect? There was only a short description of this any other thoughts on the dynamic process, Dr. Hendrix?

    Quote: (597) “Educators aim to improve the practice of education by studying issues or problems they face.”

    Interesting fact: -Practical focus –The educator-researcher’s own practices –Collaboration –A dynamic process – A plan of action –Sharing research These are the characteristics of Action research!

  5. Quote: (p. 597) "...action research addresses a specific, practical issue and seeks to obtain solutions to a problem."
    Question: What is the difference between the terms "inquire" and "enquire"?
    Fact: The term "action research" was coined back in the 1930's by social-psychologist Kurt Lewin. Action research is the research design that is the most applied and most practical.

  6. Quote: page 600 "Teacher-researchers want to reflect on their practices. They reflect so that they an improve their practices. They reflect individually or in school-based teams composed of students, teachers and administrators.

    Interesting Fact - Participatory Action Research is emancipatory in that it helps unshackle people from the constraints of irrational and unjust structures that limit self-development and self-determination.

    Question:Action Research - Is this upping the rigor for teachers who are and should be diagnostic practitioners? Taking it to the next level?

  7. Mrs. Dalrymple
    inquire: to ask about
    enquire: my dictionary gives inquire and inquiry...not all that helpful huh!

  8. Barbara - interesting! Just realized you and I posted the same interesting fact. Geez.

  9. Corey- Your quote: “Educators aim to improve the practice of education by studying issues or problems they face.”
    *** We are doing this all the time already it seems.*** However when we get to immerse ourselves in action research we get to channel our focus to one specific area instead of 14,000.

  10. LaDawndra - I love your question! I wonder where we would begin to find our the answer.

  11. Question: Finally, I get to the last chapter and read about action research which sounds like exactly what we will be doing! But, by limiting us to only being able to use literature that is published in journals, aren't we excluding a lot of research information that could be valuable to us as teachers? Isn't that, to some extent, devaluing information gathered by those of us "in the trenches?"

    Quote: "... action researchers seek to bring about a new vision for schools, community agencies, youth clubs, and ethnic groups within schools."

    Fact: Although teachers may be good at what they do and familiar with teaching kids in classes, they may need assistance in becoming researchers. That's for sure!

  12. Fact: pg 598 Some critics view it as an informal process of research, conducted by teachers and other educators who are not formal academic researchers. I would guess that includes all of us!

    Quotation pg 608 " Action researchers engage in self-reflective research in which they turn the lens on their own educational classroom, school, or practices." We have a new principal who seems to be doing that to our school, and making effective decisions that will impact our students for the positive.

    Question: I like the idea of reflecting in an online journal, would this be part of a narrative design process?
