Monday, August 16, 2010

EDU 530 Visual Stories

Please post your visual stories here. Please tell me your goals, obstacles, and hobbies. Use a metaphor or simile to describe these too.

My goals are clouds; they are having children with my husband, getting tenure, and publishing my third book.

My obstacles are mountains, and they have been: losing both of my parents as an undergraduate student, having custody of my niece and nephew, and juggling two jobs while I finished my Ph.D.

My hobbies are a stream beneath the mountains. They are: reading, watching movies, writing, volunteering, participating in a weekly Bible study group, growing plants, and playing with my 100 pound Lab named Missy.

Now, tell me about yourself!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 1

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 1. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my questions.
1.) Define educational research.
2.) Why is research important to you as teachers for assessment? Can you assess without doing research? Why or why not? What are three reasons to do research?
3.) What are the six steps researchers usually use?
4.) What are some ethical issues to consider when conducting research or assessment?

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 2

Please post your question, quote, and fact here. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts here and answer my questions.
1.) Define qualitative and quantitative research.
2.) Describe the major ideas and philosophies that have influenced the development of quantitative and qualitative research.
3.) What are the three, useful factors in determining whether you should use quantitative or qualitative research for a study?
4.) Compare and contrast the six steps of conducting research for quantitative and qualitative research.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 3

Please post your question, quote, and fact here. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my questions.
1.) Define what a research problem is and its significance in a study.
2.) Discuss the criteria for evaluating whether or not you should study your research problem.
3.) Discuss how quantitative and qualitative research problems differ.
4.) What are the five elements of a "statement of the problem" section?
5.) How do you write a "statement of the problem" section?

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 4

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 4. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my questions.
1.) What is a literature review, and why is it important for assessment and research?
2.) List the differences in literature reviews for qualitative and quantitative studies.
3.) What are the best materials to include in a literature review?
4.) Should you use both qualitative and quantitative studies in your review? Why or why not?
5.) How long should your literature review be?
6.) What are the steps for conducting a literature review?
7.) How do you write a literature review?

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 5

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 5. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my questions.
1.) What are purpose statements, research questions, hypotheses, and objectives? How do you write these for qualitative and quantitative research?
2.) What is a variable, and what are the types of variables in quantitative research?
3.) What is a theory, and how do you test it?
4.) Describe the similarities and differences in qualitative and quantitative purpose statements and research questions.
5.) Describe the emerging design and central phenomenon in qualitative research.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 6

Please post your question, quote, and fact here. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my questions.
1.) What are the steps in quantitative data collection?
2.) What are some of the different approaches used to sample participants in a quantitative study?
3.) Describe the process of obtaining permissions to do your research. Also, why is it important to obtain permissions?
4.) What are different types of data collection options for quantitative studies?
5.) Identify how to locate, select, and assess an instrument for use in data collection?
6.) Describe the procedures for administering quantitative data collection.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 7

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 7. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my questions.
1.) What is the process of preparing and organizing your data for analysis?
2.) How do you analyze descriptive research questions?
3.) How do you analyze hypotheses and inferential research questions?
4.) Why are tables, figures, and a results section significant?
5.) Describe a discussion section of a research report.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 8

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 8. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and my questions.
1.) What are some different approaches for selecting participants and sites?
2.) Why should you know the levels of permissions required to gain access to your sites and your participants?
3.) What are some administrative and ethical considerations involved in collecting qualitative data?
4.) What is the I.R.B. at MWSU, and why should you go through this process and group when you do research? Why is it important?
5.) What are the procedures for recording qualitative data?

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 9

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 9. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts as well as answer my questions.
1.) Name the steps for analyzing qualitative data.
2.) How do you organize and transcribe qualitative data?
3.) How do you code qualitative data?
4.) How do you develop a detailed description and a theme?
5.) How do you check the accuracy of your findings and interpretation?

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 10

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 10. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts as well as my questions here.

1.) Define the purpose of a research report.
2.) Describe what you should do to write for all audiences as a researcher.
3.) Describe the structure of quantitative and qualitative research reports.
4.) Identify discriminatory language to avoid in research reports.
5.) List the criteria for evaluating a research report.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 11

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for chapter 11. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts as well as my questions here.
1.) Define the purpose of an experiment and when you would use this design.
2.) Why do researchers use random assignments in experiments?
3.) Describe the types of procedures used to control extraneous factors in an experiment.
4.) Describe how researchers manipulate the treatment condition.
5.) Define "outcome variable."
6.) Explain how researchers compare groups in an experiment.
7.) What are some internal and external threats to validity in an experiment?
8.) Describe between-group and within-group experiments.
9.) List the steps in conducting an experimental study.
10.) List the criteria for evaluating an experimental study.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 12

Please post your question, quote, and fact here from chapter 12. Also, respomd to at least two of your peers' posts as well as my questions.
1.) Describe the purpose of correlational research and when you would use this design.
2.) Describe what a scatterplot of scores looks like and what a correlation matrix of scores would look like. (If you can, paste an illustration of both of these in blogspot here.)
3.) List the steps for conductung a correlational study.
4.) List the criteria for evaluating a correlational study.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 13

Please post your question, quote, and fact from chapter 13. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts as well as my questions.
1.) Describe the purpose of surveys.
2.) Describe when you would use a survey research design.
3.) Define the population, the sample, and the target population.
4.) Discuss the types of interviews and questionnaries in surveys.
5.) What are the elements that go into creating good survey questions?
6.) How do researchers get a high return rate for their surveys?
7.) List the steps for conducting survey research.
8.) How do you evaluate a survey study?

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 14

Please post your question, quote, and fact here. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts as well as my questions.
1.) What is grounded theory and when should you use it?
2.) Discuss how theoretical sampling, constant comparative data analysis, and memoing work in grounded theory research.
3.) Describe how you would conduct a grounded theory study.
4.) Describe how you would evaluate a grounded theory study.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 15

Please post your question, quote, and fact here from chapter 15. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my six questions.
1.) Define ethnographic research and describe when you would use it.
2.) Describe several forms of data collected for ethnographic research.
3.) Describe the three components of description, themes, and interpretation in ethnographies.
4.) What is "reflexivity" and how do you document "reflexivity" in ethnographies?
5.) List the steps in ethnographic research.
6.) List the criteria used to evaluate ethnographic research.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 16

Please post your question, quote, and fact for chapter 16 here. Also, please respond to at least two of your peers' posts and answer my five questions.
1.) Describe the major types of narrative research and when you would use a narrative research design.
2.) Descibe the aspects of a "story" and what kinds of data is used in narrative research.
3.) Why would you use themes in narrative research?
4.) Describe the steps for conducting narrative research and issues the researcher will face when using this design.
5.)List the criteria for evaluating a narrative study.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 17

Please post your question, quote, and fact from chapter 17 here. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts as well as my four questions.
1.) Describe the purpose of mixed method designs and when you would use one of these research designs.
2.) Describe the steps for conducting a mixed methods study.
3.) List some types of data for both qualitative and quantitative mixed method research.
4,) Describe how you would evaluate a mixed method research design.

EDU 530 Fall 2010 Creswell Discussion Ch. 18

Please post your question, quote, and fact here from chapter 18. Also, respond to at least two of your peers' posts and my four questions too.

1.) What is the purpose of action research?
2.) Describe the action research design and issues for these designs.
3.) List the steps in an action research design.
4.) List the criteria for evaluating action research report.